Monday, September 11, 2006

"Say Hello to my Little Friend"

Scarface is one of the most popular gangster movies to this day. It was made in the 80s but is still highly mentioned on television such as the popular show "Cribs" on MTV where rappers have all types of Scarface paraphernalia in their houses and represent him as a true "ganagsta." This movie is full of drugs, sex, and violence the components of a drama/action movie which is defenitely worth watchng if you haven't seen it yet.
This movie tells the story of the rise and fall of a drug Lord in Miami. Tony Montana (played by Al Pacino) was one of the Cuban prisoners released in America in 1980 when Castro released them. He makes his money out of selling drugs and feels invincible untill the law catches up to him.
"Pacino tears into his lines with a lust approaching frenzy, ripping through scenes with an animalistic fervor, creating a role that has already gone down in the books as one of the great, if not the greatest, portrayals of a gangster ever to hit the screen."

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