Sunday, September 24, 2006

Come and Get Your Black and White Pics

After Professor Cassidy's class, I had to look for some more noir pictures. They are so artistically done. Back then, it wasn't about the action, color, or beauty. In these pictures, you can see that it is distinctly all about telling a story. They display the meaning of what's going on in the photo outright and at the same time secretively. For if you look closely at some pictures, there is more to the story than one thinks. A glimpse is not enough time to truely appreciate the meaning, symbolism, and artistic creativity used. The best part is how it is displayed by the surroundings used, or the contrasts in lighting. the exact things that make the photos noir in the first place. This link will show you a bunch of noir pictures as well as a few that we've already seen in class. Remember to look closely at them for you may be missing out on the real story that can't been seen with just a simple glance.

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