Sunday, September 17, 2006

the descent

When I first heard about The Descent I pretty much wrote it off as any other horror movie out there. I expected the large amounts of blood and gore. I knew that most of the characters were going to die fairly early. I knew that I could could figure out the ending without even having watched a minute of the film. And when i finaly did see the movie i got exactly what i paid for. The only thing that surprised me about this movie was it's ending, which really has to be seen rather than explained.

When the premise of the movie is about a "six-woman caving expedition in the Appalachian Mountains" and they do this to get away from their troubles and relax you know that it can't end well for anyone. From the begining every things falls into place, the clasic lines, the "forgotten" map, and many other signs that tell the audience that it's going to go bad in a hurry. The only thing that works throughout the movie is the use of the dark and close spaces to add a different element to the movie. This part of the movie really does tap into the most primitive human terrors. Without this tactic this movie would have been dificult to watch. With this having been said I wouldn't exactly agree completly with the review in all aspects but I can still find the film enjoyable.

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