Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Everyone needs a Rosebud

It was not until the summer of 2005 where i first watched this remarkable film by Orson Welles. Citizen Kane was highly influenced by film noir and inspired Orson Welles to develop not only a terrific but landmark motion picture. In the height of Orson Welles' career, Citizen Kane had broken through to many audiences giving new life to the black and white film era. The movie presents a story based on the well known newspaper man, Charles Foster Kane, who lives larger than life, but really to live a small mediocre life. The film captures the essence of film noir and exploits it through, its erie moods, voice over commentary, and in depth character detail. The movie most views the horror money can do to oneself. The film says not to seek fame all the time, but rather reach our own "Rosebud". Citizen Kane is a must see movie.

"Citizen Kane has been lauded as the greatest motion picture to come out of America during the black-and-white era (or any era, for that matter). "

"As a film, Citizen Kane is a powerful dramatic tale about the uses and abuses of wealth and power."

"The movie is a visual masterpiece, a kaleidoscope of daring angles and breathtaking images that had never been attempted before, and has never been equaled since. "

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