Sunday, September 10, 2006

Bond: America's Hero!

Between 00.10 seconds and 00.25 seconds in to the attached link of the Casino royal trailer, a very interesting narration is given. After talking about the world being in danger the narrator exclaims, "You can still depend on one man......Bond!" Between the 1950's and 1960's ( when many Bond movies were released) Bond was America's hero, despite the fact that he was a fictional character! During this time, America was living in fear of nuclear war brought on by the Cold war. Bond, although fictional, had been associated with president John F. Kennedy. This was probably because they shared youth, wealth, a high status, and a way with the women. In 1964, a year after the assassination of Kennedy, the smash hit Goldfinger came out. Some had considered Bond to be the hero that America was in need of. Bond gave his viewers comfort that America had a spy just like Bond taking care of us and disassembling bombs at the last minute. Now, in 2006, war is not far from the minds of every American. Perhaps circulation of nuclear war once again. Now we can have a new Bond to give us "comfort".

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