Sunday, September 24, 2006

brick: a film noir

When I first saw this movie I thought about what made it so different from most other movies that I had seen in the past. The entire movie had this dark, gritty feel to it. I didn't know how to explain this movie to my friends who wanted to know what it was about. Now that I have a good idea that a noir film is, it makes perfect sense when people call this movie a noir film.

All the elements of a noir film are evident in Brick only they are put through a modern day filter. The classic detective and police characters are replaced with high school students and vice principles. The dark and dreary landscapes are given a splash of color that doesn't take away from the feel of the movie as a detective story. With this said, most if not all of the remaining elements of the noir catagory remain true to the core. The murder plot, detective work, the femme fatale, etc. A highly recommened movie in my opinion.

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