Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Favorite James Bond Villain

My favorite villain from the James Bond series is Odd Job. You can find this little bugger in the 007 movie Goldfinger. The main reason why Odd Job is my favorite villain is because he is so tiny. This guy could fit anywhere and his weapon of choice was awesome, a steel brim derby. Who wouldn't like to carry a hat with them and fling it at people? Jaws from Moonraker was awesome too, but I still side with Odd Job.


jpb said...

The personal touch here is nice; it's OK that there's no outbound link. Any other James Bond fans have favorite villains? What about favorite Bonds (or Bond Girls)?

Ricky said...

I like the villain Oddjob better in the novel than he was portrayed in the film . One learned more about Oddjob in the book than in the film version.