Thursday, September 21, 2006

Would you be able to catch him?

In Steven Spielberg's film, Catch Me If You Can, a young man puts the law to the test when he succeeds in having different personalities. From a doctor, lawyer to a pilot, Frank Abagnale Jr., played by Leonardo Dicaprio, has not even finished highschool but has the knowledge to pull the biggest detective case yet. Carl Hanratty, played by Tom Hanks is the FBI agent who tries to capture Abagnale but is not up to par with Abagnale's intelligence and natural criminal talent.

In Roger Ebert's review of Catch Me If You Can, he writes,
"That this is a true story probably goes without saying, since it is too preposterous to have been invented by a screenwriter. Abagnale also passed millions of dollars in bogus checks, dazzled women with his wealth and accomplishments, and was, a lot of the time, basically a sad and lonely teenager. At the time the only honest relationships in his life were with his father and with the FBI agent who was chasing him."

Based on a true story, Catch Me If You Can has said to be one of the best cat-and-mouse movies to come along.


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