Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Is "Brokeback Mountain" the best new romance with a twist?

In this article authour Tom Long describes "Brokeback Mountain" as "a good old-fashioned romance guaranteed to give homophobes a heart attack. If love does indeed conquer all, it should win hearts across America". So do you agree? I liked this film and thought it was a good modern romance, with a good twist. Would I say it is the best? Probably not...but good none the less. What do you think?

1 comment:

Annette said...

I think that Brokeback Mountain was a good statement about how our culture is changing. As shocking as it may have seemed shocking to some conservative citizens, it allowed our culture to embrace differences, and it also brought about a political issue about freedom of speech. This film did a beautiful job demostrating a common feeling such as love for people of all kinds. It blew our view on the government as well as opinions of close minded people. This film was a wonderful step to reform in our nation. It is a political statement to the entire world.