Sunday, November 05, 2006

The five key points to screenplay structure

This link is a benificial link when trying to figure out a good story plot. Plot structure simply determines the sequence of events that lead the hero toward this objective. And here's the good news: whether you're writing romantic comedies, suspense thrillers, historical dramas or big budget science fiction, all successful Hollywood movies follow the same basic structure. STAGE I: The Setup, TURNING POINT #1: The Opportunity (10%), STAGE 2: The New Situation, TURNING POINT #2: The Change of Plans (25%), STAGE III: Progress, TURNING POINT #3: The Point of No Return (50%), STAGE IV: Complications and Higher Stakes, TURNING POINT #4: The Major Setback (75%), STAGE V: The Final Push, TURNING POINT #5: The Climax (90-99%), STAGE VI: The Aftermath. Let this website help you gain a great understanding on how to write your paper for Mr. Bushnell's Film Paper!

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