Monday, October 16, 2006

TOP 20 ROMANCE SONGS (for your wedding)

So while googling something to post up on this blog i came across this bride website that listed the top 20 romantic songs to play at a wedding. So heres the list of 20 corny songs, so you can go home tonight and download them and then put them on your ipod. The list has songs like, I Swear (by All for One) and the them song of Top Gun (Take My Breath Away). I wasnt very happy with this list, since R Kelly's Bump n Grind was not number 1. Thats me though, so let me know how you feel about the list. What should be added? What should be removed?

1 comment:

Full Tilt Boogie said...

Yeah, I didn't like that list at all. It was missing a lot of obvious love songs and R. Kelly should of had at least 2 songs on that list.