Monday, December 04, 2006
Turistas: a less violent Hostel
It's seems to this reviewer that Turistas is a nice change of pace for the horror genre. With a greater emphasis on making the movie a "psychological thriller" instead of one with blood and gore, Turistas hits it's mark as being different from most films out today.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
High Tension of High tension
This is a review for High Tension a horror/ psychological thriller/ crime thriller that came out in 2005 that I doubt may people saw. The critic is asking that this is a bad movie and he gave it 1.5 out of 4 which I totally disagree with.
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Romance Shmomance
This is basically debating whether or not romance can go from book to screen without loosing all the elements that make it fit into the romance genre. It basically breaks down the genre and then tells us if certain movies still embody the elements that would qualify it for that genre.
Friday, December 01, 2006
Exorcist:Escapism vs. Supernatural
This is a link to Ebert's review of The Exorcist. In this review he gives the film a great rating but talks about the film's themes. He argues that the film is escapism not reality. I believe an exorcism isn't escapism, it's just unexplained. This is the link to the review, enjoy.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Too much gore?
This website has an interesting view on the horror films. It challenges that films are getting more gruesome because filmmakers are constantly trying to outdo the film before it. But the question remains- have filmmakers gone too far? That's for you to decide.
Sci-Fi Movies

According to a recent survey, three out of every four Americans believe that our planet will be visited by extraterrestrials within the next 100 years. Whether the visitors are hostile bug-like overlords or cute little piles of goo, it seems to be a foregone conclusion that little green men will eventually visit our mud ball. You want to be ready when they land, right? So start out by watching a few sci-fi flicks.
This is a review of the film, Saw. You might be thinking "oh, Mr. B-dawg told us to blog a persuasive, durr..." Reviews are somewhat persuasive, sillypants. The reviewer, Dragan Antulov, displays a clear stance on the quality of the film and supports his perspective with examples from the film. He starts off by giving a summary of the plot, then states the reasons why he believes Saw is a bad horror flick. Though somewhat short and undetailed, Antulov gets his point across quite efficiently.
Action Movies
The rule of action movies: whoever breaks the most stuff wins. Sure, there might be this "writer" who throws in a "plot," but everyone knows that action movies are really about seeing people get kicked, shot, punched, thrown through glass, thrown off buildings, or otherwise creatively disemboweled. On this front, our choice of the top 5 action movies to rent will not disappoint. They all involve fights, guns, more fights, bigger guns, and if you're lucky, a gunfight.
Horror Movies

Horror movies have generally gotten a bad rap. Let us guess: your idea of a horror movie involves some ghoul from the underworld devouring the brain of a screaming, large-breasted female. Or maybe what comes to mind is a slasher film, where a mad serial killer stalks a screaming, large-breasted female. If you're a little older, or if you watch late night TV, you may be more familiar with the old black-and-white classics, where a pale supernatural figure emerges from the shadows, first to frighten and then to seduce (you guessed it) a screaming, large-breasted female.
Feast-was it a good gory film or not?
This guy here, Tim Knight, gave this gory film 2 1/2 out of 4 stars. He says,
"Although Feast will never be mistaken for a masterpiece of the horror genre, on its own 'grindhouse cinema' terms, it mostly delivers the gory goods."
I can honestly say I agree. I think Feast was good gore movie for those who love to see blood and chopped bodies on screen. I would rate this movie about the same-gory movies don't really have to offer a plot that makes sense; it's all about blood and guts. Read his review and see if you agree!
"Although Feast will never be mistaken for a masterpiece of the horror genre, on its own 'grindhouse cinema' terms, it mostly delivers the gory goods."
I can honestly say I agree. I think Feast was good gore movie for those who love to see blood and chopped bodies on screen. I would rate this movie about the same-gory movies don't really have to offer a plot that makes sense; it's all about blood and guts. Read his review and see if you agree!
Feast-was it a good gory film or not?
This guy here, Tim Knight, gave this gory film 2 1/2 out of 4 stars. He says,
"Although Feast will never be mistaken for a masterpiece of the horror genre, on its own 'grindhouse cinema' terms, it mostly delivers the gory goods."
I can honestly say I agree. I think Feast was good gore movie for those who love to see blood and chopped bodies on screen. I would rate this movie about the same-gory movies don't really have to offer a plot that makes sense; it's all about blood and guts. Read his review and see if you agree!
"Although Feast will never be mistaken for a masterpiece of the horror genre, on its own 'grindhouse cinema' terms, it mostly delivers the gory goods."
I can honestly say I agree. I think Feast was good gore movie for those who love to see blood and chopped bodies on screen. I would rate this movie about the same-gory movies don't really have to offer a plot that makes sense; it's all about blood and guts. Read his review and see if you agree!
Murder By Numbers
The Author relates this movie to works of the past in the first paragraph. The second paragraph is a short summary of the movie. Thirdly the author expresses his opinion of the characters and director which he does no like. Lastly he gives an opinion on the movie. He does not like this movie and gave it a rating of "Not That Good." I disagree with this man's view I think everything about this movie is great. It strikes me as very realistic. Ever since this movie i have always been nice to that smart, psychotic kid that attends highschools throughout North America.
Reel love vs. Real love
This website goes into the complicated relationships between costars in a movie and their real life relationships. From Vaughniston to Brad and Angelina, this article explains the concept behind watching a film with two actors who are romantically involved behind the scenes.
Is romance getting old or is just getting modern?
Will romance films get old one day or is the formula changing? Directors are using the old formula to make new modern romance films. Romance now is not only about the boyfriend and girlfriend now it involves according to the essay, "It's also about relationships within families and between friends. " Relationships are growing much deeper now a days
What's Love Got To Do With It?
Love and marriage is a very tricky thing. In this article, scientists try to figure out whether marriage can help a person's carreer or send it into flames. It is very interesting to read about their reasonings and why some instances happen the way they do.
When horror is good...
"With visual panache and consistent dexterity, "The Amityville Horror" confronts a completely normal, likable young family with a glimpse of hell."
The following review is on the remake for the film, "The Amityville Horror". The review not only praises but encourages moviegoers to see this film. The review contain specific details from the film, as well as specific details on the genre of horror as a whole. The film is an excellent example of a good horror film.
The following review is on the remake for the film, "The Amityville Horror". The review not only praises but encourages moviegoers to see this film. The review contain specific details from the film, as well as specific details on the genre of horror as a whole. The film is an excellent example of a good horror film.
The Exorcist
I found another review on The Exorcist and it is totally obsurd so check it out I found that the critic had nothing to go by. I am going to do my persuasion paper on this guy because he is totally clueless! In my opinion.
Meet Joe Black
`Meet Joe Black'' is a movie about a rich man trying to negotiate the terms of his own death. It is a movie about a woman who falls in love with a concept. And it is a meditation on the screen presence of Brad Pitt. That there is also time for scenes about sibling rivalry and a corporate takeover is not necessarily a good thing. The movie contains elements that make it very good, and a lot of other elements besides. Less is more. a classic romance that Ebert give three stars.
Just Friends is one of my favorite movies, it has comedy and it's romance, the perfect combination for my type of movie. Its a movie you can watch with your friends and/or boyfriend becasue it's not even that cheesy.
Who doesn't want to see the ugly fat guy come back home looking good? Although it isn't something that will likely happen at least it makes for a good movie night. "[F]or the most part, Just Friends only looks like a stupid comedy."
Who doesn't want to see the ugly fat guy come back home looking good? Although it isn't something that will likely happen at least it makes for a good movie night. "[F]or the most part, Just Friends only looks like a stupid comedy."
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Does the Romance genre hold high expectations for relationships across the world?
This website explains how romance differs culturally, and how the genres can vary in topic. With all these guidelines is it a positive image for couples to mimmick the characters in these stories? Do you think these novels can make people self conscious of what to expect from love if they have never experienced it? As informative as this site is, it opens up new ideas from the romantic genre such as settings, word usage, and idealistic relationships that may be expected in society.
Is love colorblind?
Love comes in all shapes and sizes. People in love can either have the same interests or totally different interests. We tend to turn up our noses on lovers that are out of the norm, such as in the movie Pumpkin. In this case this is a biracial couple, in the movie "Something New". So the question rises, "Is love colorblind"?
Is Horror Dead?
Often times when we sit down and watch horror films are we really frightened or is horror long gone? I personally believe that we sit watching horror films and laugh. Read these arguments and see what others think?
Cabin Fever Was Gross!!!!
Blogging By Numbers
Roger Ebert gives the film noir "Murder By Numbers" three out of four stars. He enjoyed this movie and did a great summary on it. He especially enjoyed the charcters and the plot twists. I agree with Ebert the plot is great and the twists kept me filled with suspense.
Animal HOuse
Writer Roger Ebert reviewed "Animal House" the movie is a comedy from 1978 that takes place on a college campus. It is now a classic of the comedy genre. Roger Ebert loved this movie and so do I. It is a stepping stone for all modern day comedies.
Silent Hill
In this persuasive piece of writing, Roger Ebert rips into the film Silent Hill. The film is based off of a popular video game. While many video game enthusiasts were overjoyed at the outcome of the film many were not happy with the film. Ebert thought that the film had too much talking and too much background information to succeed. He thought that the film didn't cause any of his synapses to fire. Ebert also had some qualms with the actors or actresses that were in the film.
There were some parts of this film that he enjoyed, mostly the special effects. He also praises the director of the film for using many different things to modify the film in order to make it seem more like an art film than a major studio production.
There were some parts of this film that he enjoyed, mostly the special effects. He also praises the director of the film for using many different things to modify the film in order to make it seem more like an art film than a major studio production.
The Ring 2
This review of "The Ring 2" compares it to the original Japanese version as well as to the first film. The reviewer critiques the actors; " was a mistake to bring back Naomi Watts for the sequel, her contractual obligation notwithstanding." In his opinion this film is not scary enough, "What we need is the return of the good old-fashioned R-rated horror film."
"Gore will eventually become a Bore"-Is the gore in horror movies the scariest part?
In both English 100 and 160, we discussed what scares us the most in horror movies. Producers today seem the believe that gore in horror movies is the most terrifying part. But does the audience feel the same way? The Gazette posted an article debating the necessity of gore in horror films. "Although the theatres are bathed in blood now, audiences will eventually grow bored. Someone will make a frightening film that gets us thinking once again, and the cycle will repeat." Although many of us have seen the classic, psychologically scary movies, we grew up in an age predominantly consisting of gory horror films. If horror movies do go back to being psychologically scary, will audiences that are used to gory movies appreciate the fear instilled in different horror movies. This is a great article to debate and you can easily include the different horror movies we've seen such as a gory horror film (Land of the Dead) and a psychologically thrilling film (The Exorcist).
Is "Brokeback Mountain" the best new romance with a twist?
In this article authour Tom Long describes "Brokeback Mountain" as "a good old-fashioned romance guaranteed to give homophobes a heart attack. If love does indeed conquer all, it should win hearts across America". So do you agree? I liked this film and thought it was a good modern romance, with a good twist. Would I say it is the best? Probably not...but good none the less. What do you think?
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Simpsons and Society
With so many references to current issues, The Simpsons have done a humorous representation of how our society functions. As funny as this show is, do you think people should take it more seriously and try to repair the flaws our country has created?
Romance genre: Real connection or passion to make money?
I think that a lot of movies from the Romance genre focus too much on physical passion and appeal than on an actual believable connection. In many romance films it is a kiss that makes a couple fall for each other, they have sex, and you're left wondering when some sort of connection was formed other that a physical, sexual connection. It is hard for me to believe in the love between couples in most films. I think the majority of an audience is too quick to believe that a couple is madly in love because they have had hot, passionate, steamy sex. I only tend to like the romance films that really focus on a couples relationship and how they interact with each other. I think that being in love is something that would be terribly hard to act out.
Film Noir
This site gives a well explained definition of what a film noir is. The site also gives a few movies and books that they feel were staples in film noir's history. What noir is today is mentioned and examples are posted, blade runner is one of those examples.
Batman Begins
In this article, the author expresses his dislike for the recent film Batman Begins. He explains that he loved all of the actors and actresses, well except for Katie Holmes. He thinks that the director was basically an idiot. He says that the way the fight scenes were handled rendered them intelligible.
The author also mentions that Christian Bale's portrayal of Batman seemed as if he was "trying too hard." The author also says that the film was given a free pass concerning lines, especially in a year where George Lucas was getting so much bad press for his own lines. The author's problem with the movie concerned just the directing, an actress, and some of the lines in the movie. There were a few parts in the movie that the author enjoyed.
Here is the link if you were unable to get to the page with the link
The author also mentions that Christian Bale's portrayal of Batman seemed as if he was "trying too hard." The author also says that the film was given a free pass concerning lines, especially in a year where George Lucas was getting so much bad press for his own lines. The author's problem with the movie concerned just the directing, an actress, and some of the lines in the movie. There were a few parts in the movie that the author enjoyed.
Here is the link if you were unable to get to the page with the link
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